
[Inlägget är skrivet för publicering på en internationell sida.]

I am currently on holiday from work. It is nice to be able to get some time off mid-semester to catch my breath from the quite busy first months of school.

On my way in to town to visit my tattooist a man sat down next to me on the tube. I recognized the black man as the man who comes in to clean the room where me and my fellow math teaching colleagues reside. He is the man who empties my paper bin.

He recognized me and it turns out he knows my name. I do not know his, and this makes me feel really bad. He even knew I had been on sick leave a few days last week since he had read the information on the TV monitors at school. This made me feel even worse.

But the really sad part was when we talked about his life. He looks to be in his early forties, no older. Apparently he is 56. He is 56 and he holds a quite physical job which he admits to being too hard for him. Physically that is. But it's like he said to me; he needs a job and he is happy he's got one.

When I asked him about his family he told me that he had two sons, one in my age. He is 25 and is studying engineering of some sorts at university. My new friend told me he used to help his son with his studies. Curiously I wondered what he helped his son with.

It turns out he is a math teacher. Back in Ethiopia he taught maths to students aged 18 and 19. Just like I do in Sweden.

The man who comes into my office every day to empty my paper bin is a math teacher and he looks at our math books and recognizes the exercises in them. He is a math teacher, just like I am. In fact he is more experienced than I am. And he makes a living emptying my paper bin.

This world is so fucking unfair it brings tears to my eyes. It makes me sad and it makes me frustrated. I'm a teacher partly because I believe I can change the world for the better. And it is so necessary.

A person who should be my colleague, comes in to my office every day and apologizes for having to clean underneath my desk.

Postat av: Zilch

Det är därför kommunikation är viktigt.

Det är också därför många är så rädda för den,

det är väldigt bekvämt att vara omedveten.

2008-10-28 @ 23:09:17
URL: http://zilchisme.blogspot.com/

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