I'll see you around...

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Very High
Level 7 (Violent) Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) High

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test


The tentacles! What have I unleashed unto the world?!

My-my-my-my generation

Do all indie pop and rock bands think they become The Rolling Stones or The Who if they record a 60/70s-style TV performance music video?


I can barely remember how it all ended. I wasn't there, but I was told. The person who told me wasn't there either, but he was told by someone who was. And it used to be so important to remember. To remember where it all went wrong so that we would not make the same mistakes again. But that doesn't matter anymore. We will never even get the chance to come near the moment where our world ended.

The world itself did not end. It is still here and I am still here. But the world we had created for ourselves is gone. And the few who didn't disappear along with it were left with this. Only a little more to use, since we are unable to recreate what we need to take to survive. And now, it appears we down to the last minor fragments of what keeps us alive. Will my generation be the last?

Nature died and we died with it and all the artificial so called necessities in the world could not save us. Once there was nothing more to take, there was nothing more to produce and there was nothing more to consume. Societies collapsed and we died. The last bit of energy left in us was used to fight over the things we needed for our survival. The result of that? We destroyed what was left as well. People make foolish decisions when they are hungry and desperate. And when some of the fools can access nuclear weapons, that is the end.

The ones who did survive emerged from their shelters into this. With the exception of some more food to be found and I guess there was still flesh on the bodies. I remember the stories of cannibalism as starvation truly set in amongst the survivors. Scary stories told to us as we were children, to make sure we never went far from the group. We were told there were groups of survivors who lay in wait among the scrap heaps hoping for a group of passers-by. Or they would hunt. At night they would search for light and smell from fires of plastic material. The thick stench from burning tires stuck in your throat and even though your nose adapted to the smell, the rest of your body never did. Eyes burning, throat soar and lungs coughing up black stuff. The older ones remember fires made from wood and how wonderful it had smelled in comparison, even though that smoke too could hurt your eyes.

As time passed by, we became fewer and fewer. Food became even scarcer and newborn children rarely stayed alive for longer than a week. Their mothers often died with them, at their birth or from sorrow. They just stopped living on the inside and their bodies seemed to accept this and one morning they just wouldn't wake up.

Fights would break out regularly over what to do with the dead bodies. Even in our group, voices advocating cannibalism began to emerge. A sign of how near the end we were. Some tried to resist, but eventually as the hunger spread even more, they too gave up. I guess in the end, we all just want to survive. Our world has ended and it seems we will not get a second chance. Yet we still keep on fighting to stay alive.

She was 25 years old. She had seen what the deaths of newborn children had done to their mothers, and often also fathers, and because of that she had never tried to have any children herself. Even though I remember seeing the sorrow and jealousy in her eyes, when watching the pregnant women.

But childlessness is no guarantee for a long life. One morning she simply didn't wake up. Staying alive in a dead world is hard. And we decided, unanimously -- only five of us were left -- to go through with it. There had been no food for days and we could barely walk. We made up other excuses like that to ourselves and told them out loud as we undressed the body.

I remember her as quite beautiful, but that was all gone now. She lay naked before us, but there was nothing beautiful or sexual about her at all. Whatever it was that made her who she was, was gone and all that was left was a body; organs, bones and flesh. Flesh for us to eat. Flesh that was her gift to us we told ourselves. She would have wanted it that way we said over and over again as we gathered up the mental strength to go through with it. We had to hurry, because soon we would run out of physical strength and then we would be just as dead as she was. Eventually one of us pulled out a knife.

Remembering the end of the world is hard, and feels pointless, but remembering the first taste of human flesh is easy. So many more senses are involved. Your fingers feel the flesh, your eyes follow your hand to your mouth. The tongue and nose tells you the taste and your ears hear teeth sinking into meat. And it is wonderful. It is fresh.

But that was a couple of weeks ago. I am alone now. That's the problem with cannibalism. We were all just postponing the inevitable. Nothing wrong with that. Most people do that, try to wait as long as possible before dying. But most people might not do it by eating the people they grew up with. After the first girl, we went for a some days before the hunger set in again. Another one of us died and the rest of us could go on living for a few more days, this time longer than the first time since there were fewer people to share with.

Last week there was only me and my best friend left. Hardly able to move, we lay on the cold ground talking about our memories. We tried to focus on the good ones, but soon ran out. Before he fell asleep he told me he loved me as a brother. I love you too, I said. Watching the stars and listening to my friend fall asleep, I knew. One of us would not wake up. Maybe neither of us would. The light sound of my friend snoring turned into a slow gargle. The blade of my knife was not as sharp as I had hoped. I had to press down on it and it tore its way down towards his neck. What I tried to make quick became a mess. But finally I could feel the warm spurts become slower. He opened his eyes and I could see disapointment.

His eyes is the reason I am dying now and not next week. I no longer feel human. I only feel shame and instead of dying along with the people I loved I die alone. My friend's eyes are still open and I do not have the strength to close them. Of the love he felt, nothing is left.

All I see is disapointment.


Roger, I had a very disturbing dream last night.
In this dream I found myself making love to a strange man.
Only I'm having trouble you see, because he's old... and dying... and he smells bad, and I find him repulsive.
But then he tells me that everything is erotic, that everything is sexual. You know what I mean?
He tells me that even old flesh is erotic flesh. That disease is the love of two alien kinds of creatures for each other. That even dying is an act of eroticism.
That talking is sexual.
That breathing is sexual.
That even to physically exist is sexual.
And I believe him,

and we make love beautifully.


Jag vet att inlägget är i senaste laget, men samtidigt som jag vet det så skiter jag också i det. Det har legat och grott i huvudet och tiden eller orken har inte riktigt infunnit sig, men det är väl ändå tanken som räknas. Eller hur? Eftersom ni är tankeläsare. Nåja, här kommer det i alla fall.

Så det blev till slut en vargjakt. Tusentals vuxna människor fick chansen att döda rovdjurens rovdjur. Och som de tog den chansen. Det måste vara så förbannat kul att kunna släcka ett liv. Att se något magnifikt och tänka dreglande att man måste få döda det.

Men visst, vad vet jag. Jag är ju boende i Stockholm och allt det där djävla blajet. Precis som att jag inte skulle förstå. Visserligen är jag uppväxt i en av de där varghatarkommunerna i Dalarna, men jag tänker inte framhålla det som att jag därigenom är berättigad till att ha en åsikt i vargfrågan. Man kan vara minst lika påläst och genomtänkt i vargfrågan i stad som på landsbygd. Precis som man kan vara lika totalt korkad på båda ställena. Bara för att man bor på landsbygden gör det en automatiskt inte till expert på ett område. Det gör en till landsbygdsbo, inget annat. Att jag bor i Stockholm gör mig till stadsbo, inget annat. Och inget område som rör landsbygd eller storstad gör mig till mer expert eller mindre.

Jag har en åsikt i vargfrågan för att det är min förbannade rättighet. Den baserar sig på mina personliga värderingar, mitt intresse för djur och min jägarexamen. Fast det är klart, det där sistnämnda kan man också skita i, för vad jag kan minnas så var det inte särskilt mycket om viltvård som ingick. Det var djurteori, identifiera arter och hur blodspår kan visa var man träffat ett skadskjutet djur, mörkt för levern och ljust med bubblor för lunga till exempel.

Men jag känner att jag glider från ämnet. Varför tycker jag att den vargjakt som bedrivits är helt förkastlig? Till att borja med så har jag svårt för det här med jakt överhuvudtaget. Det där med att ta liv lockar inte så förbannat mycket. Jag gjorde aldrig klar min jägarexamen fullständigt och har aldrig skjutit mot ett djur i hela mitt liv och jag behåller det gärna så.

Sen så är det detta med just vargar. Jag tycker de är magnifika djur och att det finns plats för fler än tvåhundra stycken i Sverige. Det baserar jag på att vi bor i ett glesbefolkat land och i andra länder med gles befolkning finns betydligt fler stora rovdjur och det går rätt bra.

Vidare så hörs röster från vissa jägare som vänder på steken och säger att jakten är bra för mångfalden, att det därigenom blir en möjlighet att åtgärda problemen med inavel och samtidigt ge plats för friskt blod och jag kan tycka att det finns giltighet i det argumentet. Men att skicka ut tusentals jägare som är kåta på att få fälla en varg leder inte till den mycket selektiva jakt som skulle krävas för att åtgärda de ovan nämnda problemen. Det kunde man räkna ut med arslet redan i förväg och med facit i hand med ena lillfingret.

Varför man godkände denna vargjakt från politiskt håll är för mig ett mysterium. Såvitt jag kan komma på så fanns två möjligheter. Det var ett sätt att fiska röster och då har man verkligen bekännt färg som politiker om man försöker få stöd genom att ge människor tillåtelse att döda. Det kan också ha berott på total inkompetens från politikernas sida. Att det finns personer i landet som vill bli av med vargen i Sverige är väl känt och det tycker jag är tragiskt, men det är desto mer tragiskt när de som bestämmer lyssnar på dem.

2010 års vargjakt har varit decenniets första skamfläck. Nu gäller det att se till så den inte blir en kommande skamfläck. De ansvariga måste ställas till svars och förklara sig djävligt noga.

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