At first sight

The woman and the man have just met, but they are already very much in love. A discussion about love at first sight three hours earlier has led to this. Neither one of them believed in it. They're still not quite sure that they do and in their heads they both try to convince themselves that this is not love. It is something else. Something close to love, which with a little help of alcohol feels just like it. But no matter how much they try, they would have to admit it sooner or later. If they could just get the chance to look back at this moment in a couple of months at dinner with friends or family they would both confess to this being love at first sight and the others would remind them of how they didn't believe in that. But they won't get that chance.

I knew she was the one as soon as she walked in to the bar. That glow, that aura, radiating out from her very soul. I needed her and no one else. None of the others I had seen earlier that evening even came close to what she would mean to me. She would set me free.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked her an hour after she had arrived. Finding courage to speak to others has never been a problem, but she was different. My feet became rooted to the ground as I tried to walk over to her, my drink ran down my cheek, neck and on to my shirt as my mouth refused to open out of fear that I would try to speak to her. Finally, after almost having to use my hands to lift my legs I made it to that spot next to her. That it wasn't already taken was a miracle. Did they not see what I saw in her? Freedom from it all. Freedom to love and freedom to move on to a better life.

She laughed at me and said "No." She looked at me again and I must have looked hurt because she apologized for laughing. Almost unaware of my existence from then on she turned around to the other man. She bought him a drink and they talked about love at first sight and all I could do was stand there and listen, unable to once again move my feet or talk. I wanted to die, but my body would not let me. It kept me alive, unable to move or talk, but able to listen to their conversation and see them fall deeper and deeper for one another. She was supposed to be my freedom, but instead she trapped even more. This torture went on for what felt like days and I had never longed more for my home where at least the suffering was familiar to me.

Not until they got ready to leave did the rest of my body come back to life. My coat was still hanging where I had left it and in what must have seemed like a very strange and determined wide u-turn I grabbed it and left, almost running as soon as I came outside. I had to get home where I would be punished for returning empty-handed. And this time it would be severe. It knew what had happened. It always did. It wanted freedom too and it knew that with her it would get it. It would be very angry. And it would take it out on me as always. It scares me. I have to make it stop. I cannot return home empty-handed.

According to the news reports the man was found not far from where I used to live. Bruised and beaten beyond recognition, but two tattoos and a t-shirt he got from his younger brother for Christmas helped his family identify him. DNA samples later confirmed their identification. The woman he was seen leaving the bar with has not been found and the authorities are still looking for her. In one newspaper one day she is a witness, in another paper another day a suspect.

Did I do it? I don't know. Probably. I have no real memories of the rest of the night and I have no interest in having them either. I am free now, I know that much. But there are nights when I dream of her screaming and I have never heard anything like it. Primal, devoid of all humanity, she is screaming with every inch of her being. And I wake up. Free.


There is nothing saving you. Nothing saving you. There is nothing saving you at all. No matter what you think. No matter what you believe in. The way you have lived will neither save you nor punish you. You have to live with the fact that you are here purely by chance. But it's a fact you won't have to live with for very long.

You see, I don't know you. I don't want to know you and I do not care about how you have lived your life. As long as you contain just about as much blood as the average person, you are more than qualified to be where you are right now. But don't worry, being unqualified wouldn't have saved your life either. I don't want to have any connections to the people who end up in here and I don't want any loose ends. The ones living in this room are a loose end. Including me, but I try my best to really make myself as safe as possible. Others, I cannot trust they will keep their mouth shut or wake up every night screaming until someone realises all is not well. And some blah-blahs later there is a knock on my door and the world will no longer be safe from the horror that lurks beneath it all.

Because I am the guardian. If I do not give it blood it will cross over to our world and it will all end. And to stop that from happening, you are a small price to pay and I do think you should be proud of this. Of course, you have done nothing earn this honour but it's my expercience that most people do very little to earn anything at all in life. Most reproduce and allows for our world to live on, but that's as far as it goes, and when you think about it, how special is it when most other people are doing it? No, you are most likely no different from anybody else, so why not see this as your opportunity to become someone?

Well, it is almost time. The clouds are lining up just right, the sun is whispering and granting me permission to sacrifice and save the world once again. It is about time. Can you hear the noise from underneath the floor boards? The scraping and howling almost too loud to handle. Must hurry now. Now. Now.

That ol' story

Slightly drunk and it's the fucking middle of the day. The ordinary country crap has been replaced by something a bit more original, but it's still country music, only older. And this is supposed to an Irish pub. No Irish cider and a damn redneck singing about the blood on his hands. You'd think I'd be able to relate, but an inbred accidental killer is about as far away from who I am as you could get. At least when it comes to people having blood on their hands.

So why the hell am I sitting here at an Irish pub with no Irish cider and a confederate rebel moron yodeling away through the loudspeakers? Quite simple actually. When too many of one bar's clientele end up in plastic bags scattered all over town it tends to draw attention. And attention, as we all know, is bad. So I had to move on.

And here I am. Slightly drunk in an empty bar on the search for new playthings. If only they didn't break so easily. People say the human body is a tough one. What the fuck do they know? My playthings only last a day or two. It's as if once the mind gives up, so does the flesh. They come apart and they make a mess and I have to clean the tub and the bathroom floor once again. In bags they go and we go for one last drive. Again. Find. Play. Dispose. Repeat.

So why continue? I don't know. There's the same kind of hope I guess there is with all types of work and serious hobbies. Maybe the next will feel different. Like the first ones. They were all different. Now they're all the same. Everyone is unique, my ass. But it is still easier hoping for change than actively doing something about it. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

More customers arrive, finally. I'm going non-alcoholic now for obvious reasons. Focus. Plus a bottle of ginger ale isn't all that bad. Love the stuff. The bartender thought I asked for a gin and tonic. Asked me if I wanted a single or a double. I wanted the whole bottle and it seems this will be staff joke for the evening. Good for them, but bad for me. Unnecessary attention, it's the last thing I need. I should probably call it off for tonight.

But the idea of another lonely quiet night isn't really pleasing. At all. I have been lonely the last week, no need denying that. Quiet, quiet, quiet! Quiet outside, but screaming inside. Screaming to play. Making my nose bleed from all the screaming inside. It hurts and it only wants to play and she looks nice. He looks nice too. Maybe the screaming and nosebleed will go away longer if there is two. Maybe it will be different.

The music stops. It's a sign, I fucking know it. A sign that things will be different this time.

Hello, my name is...


Dear Molly,
This is not a suicide note.
This is not me explaining to you how I can't go on living any longer because being alive is tearing me apart. It isn't. There has been no tragedy turning everything upside down and no memories have been awakened to torture my mind until its breaking point, where I go down into the basement trying to find a beam to wrap my tie around or go looking for pills in our medicine cabinet only to remember that we lowered the basement ceiling to get rid of the ugly beams a year ago and that the only chance of medicine-induced death would be me choking on a handful of Aspirin pills. We are truly healthy people.

This is not a note of me leaving you.
I have no intentions of leaving you and the house. There is no secret affair for you to know about. With my job, I wouldn't even have had the time if I wanted to. But I never wanted to and I still don't. Nor have I got myself into any other kind of trouble. No gambling debts, no drugs, no loss of all our money some other way. It's still all there. Not a penny missing.

This is only a note to keep you occupied.
To make sure you're focused on something else while I lock the door shut as quietly as I can. To make sure you do not realise the windows have been nailed shut. And I know how much you are paying attention to details and I didn't want you to discover the knife missing from its block.

You see, I am still in the house and I am still very much alive. More alive than I've been in years.

But where am I?


I am so tired. It's amazing how that line can be the start of something. Something which up until recently was nothing. I guess I'll never write that generation-defining novel. Unless I'm tired of course.

And tired I am. But sleep is out of the question. If my observations have been accurate, I'll spend the rest of my life sleepwalking. Or perhaps "the rest of my death" is more appropriate, which would make sleepwalking "deathwalking" but no matter the name I really hope my mind is far far away from my body when it happens. Any minute now.

Maybe it is curiosity that is keeping me alive, and soon undead, or maybe it is just a good ol'-fashioned fear of dying, actually killing myself. Perhaps I will not die and wake up after all. I could be the first survivor, the first to be able to fight this. It's not likely, but what if that is the case and I end up shooting myself or slicing my wrists and the world will never know of the possible cure stored inside my body. And I do believe in sharing information.

To think that the world up until a couple of weeks ago was just your ordinary shithole with racism, republicans and your everyday idiots. Now we are too busy surviving to be racist bastards or just bastards in general. If you find someone else who is not already undead, there is not a skin color in the world keeping you from staying close to that person. But you have to be careful.

She was beyond alive. She was beautiful. More beautiful than anyone I had ever seen before. Why she chose to stay close to me is something I will have to thank the current zombie plague for. A few weeks ago, she would have passed by me not even noticing my existance. More beautiful, but unfortunately not as alive as she first seemed.

So here I am. So tired. I think it is time to just lay down for awhile. If I manage to fight this and turn out to be mankind's greatest hope, I'll let you know.


You know you want to watch. Well, no one is going to stop you. After all, this is your death. What kind of person would deprive you of such a final request? Not me, that's for sure and since I am the pulling this whole death thing off, I guess in a way you are lucky. And perhaps even grateful. No, fuck "perhaps." You should be grateful.

Let's face it. There are so many weirdos out there. People who just kill randomly and for no apparent reason apart from "the voices" telling them to. Too damn scared to take any responsibility. If they are caught they plead insanity, fake a mental condition and try to escape what they in all actuality deserve.

But that's not me. No sir, I am fully aware of what I am doing. Ain't no voices telling me to do bad things or an evil mother who screwed up my upbringing. Hell, I have been one of the most privileged people on the planet. Once I discovered the art -- and let's face it; the amusement -- of killing I have been given every possible type of support from my folks.

Man, I remember the first one. The gardener. Apparently mom wasn't too happy with what he had done to her award-winning roses and mom, always the efficient one, put two and two together and fifteen minutes later I had the gardener tied up in my special room in the basement. I realised later that the whole thing was a bit messy, but it was the first time I had ever done anything harmful to another person, let alone strangled someone. My mom was proud though. She even videotaped the whole thing and showed to dad when he came home from the office. Oh man, that video has been shown so many times at home and to victims that the tape in the cassette has almost deteriorated. I would show it to you but I have to hurry up and finish here.

You can however trust that even though I am in a hurry, it will not be sloppy. You are tied up hard enough to be unable to move or flinch and over the years I have become quite the expert, I dare say. And that's another thing you should be grateful for. You will be easily identifiable by your family, there will be no gore or anything like that. You will not shit yourself or piss your pants. I am that good.

I know what you're thinking; "What a fucking showoff..." but it is the truth. As long as I don't want a mess there won't be a mess. And look around you, this is expensive furniture. I have not had the time to wrap it in plastic and besides, the messier it is the louder it is. Even if I do not fear to take responsibility for my actions I would like to keep doing them at least for a few more years.

So, here it is; you will be facing that mirror over there. As you can see there's a camera rigged just beside it. What do you think of it? I got yesterday from mom. She said that digital is the way to go now. This one is apparently supposed to be able to shoot in high definition, but I haven't got around to figuring out how to use that. Just so you know, it's nothing personal.

In fact, I actually kind of like you. There is something special about you that I can't seem to put my finger on. Maybe it is how you seem to have given up all hope which makes it seem as if anything that isn't a painful, messy end to your life is a godsend. Or maybe you have realised that your death will not be some random act of insanity, but at least somewhat planned and well-executed. Excuse the pun.

Either way, I am in a hurry, just like I said. I'm in town for just a few days and my plane leaves in a couple of hours. I rarely get a chance to come back to where I grew up and when I do it's always only for a short period of time. However, my bags are packed and as soon as I'm done here I have a taxi waiting outside. I figured since mom gave me that beautiful camera, I feel obliged to give her something in return. And boy, was I glad when I ran into you at the tennis club.

So, here we are. Just you, me, the mirror and the camera. And the furniture mom and dad has put down here. Since I moved out, they keep my old basement room as some sort of storage space. Who can blame them? I know I can't.

Ah well, let's get this over with then, shall we?


To all the filth in this godforsaken city.
You have corrupted all that is good for far too long. Innocent decent people have been robbed, beaten, raped and murdered and even more innocent people have been forced to witness the filth you spread. No one is spared, not even children, the truly innocent. You get them hooked on drugs, force them to walk the streets, take advantage of them for your own nasty pleasure until you have no more use for them an have them killed.

But no more. It is time for someone to fight back. It is time for someone to do what the police cannot do because they are forced to uphold the law. Time for someone to do what the police will not do because they are just as corrupt. And if they get in my way, the same fate will fall upon them. They are no better than the rest of the scum.

Drug dealers, pornographers, robbers and rapists beware. I have already begun to spread justice. The only kind of justice you deserve. A slow and painful death. Yesterday I saw two of you come out from a liquor store and followed them to where they lived, a hole of garbage and drug paraphernalia. I began my work on them yesterday and they died today, suffering through hours of pain and humiliation. A fitting end to the vermin that they were. Photos of their dead bodies will be put up all over town, for you to see and for their families to see. And I will do the same to you. You think you can hide your filthy lives from others, but all will see your true faces in pools of crimson justice. The only justice there is.

The Good Book states an eye for an eye and the way I see it I have plenty of eyes to collect.

Filthy scum, your time is up. Justice is finally coming for you.

/Vigilante Justice

I met a man today

I met a man today. He wasn't really what he seemed. But he was ok. In fact, I had no idea what to expect and yet I was surprised that he was who he was. You see, he was tall. Taller than most people. Perhaps taller than all people. So tall, that had I not walked in to him on my way to work I would never have noticed him, just like you rarely notice the existance of anything above you because you are so preoccupied with looking straight ahead or even at the ground, despite there being nothing to look at on the ground, but so much more to notice if you looked up.

I looked up after I walked in to him. All dressed in black, apart from a red detail on his hat. Because he was so tall, his head was also bigger than most people's heads and therefore he had to wear a very big hat. The hat blocked out the sun for many people and because of the enormous shadow that was cast they all thought a small cloud was passing over them and so they never looked up.

The tall man in black with the big hat with the red detail looked down on me after I walked in to him. But it never felt as if I was looked down upon. It was a look of equals. As if I was not to be intimidated by his size. His eyes seemed calm and reassuring as he laid a huge hand on my shoulders. Its weight almost tipped me over.

With a nod he made me understand that I should look behind me. When I turned around everyone seemed to be preoccupied with some other thing and didn't even seem to notice neither the tall man nor me. That they didn't notice me was one thing, but now that we stood almost alone the tall man must be very visible to at least some of them. But they were preoccupied with some other thing.

The tall man did not seem to mind being unnoticed and instead he pointed with his long index finger to a spot where the crowd opened up a bit, enough for me to see through.

In the street a man had been hit by a car and laid lifeless with his face down. Under these circumstances, I thought, it was no wonder me and the tall man would go unnoticed. As I turned back around the tall man in black nodded his head once again for me to turn around. As I did I began to understand what he was trying to say.

As the ambulance and police arrived to take care of my dead body, the tall man and I walked down the street in silence. The silence was not uncomfortable felt very natural. Whatever needed to be communicated between me and the tall man was said in other ways.

Dear diary

I know it's been awhile since the last time I wrote here, but it's been a busy weekend. As watchman of the woods, the change of color and the fall of the leaves make this season the most hectic time of the year. They just won't stay out, these filthy, dirty humans. They are no good, mummy used to say when she was still alive. And she still says that. Lovely mummy. How I miss her. Miss seeing her face. Her voice I can still hear. They are no good. No, they are not.

If only they would leave all of this alone. They have to understand that this is my place. No trespassers. No trespassers. No trespassers are allowed in here. They are no good. They are bad, people. When mummy says someone is no good, they are bad. And bad people cannot be here.

But they still come. They still come even though they know. People disappear. I make them disappear. Me and mummy try to keep these woods clean. It is our job. It is the job mummy gave me and I am a responsible boy. A responsible man.

These people are no good. They came first to the old cabins, long ago, and did filthy things. The smoke and the noise and the drinking and the nakedness. The filthy unclean nakedness. And the stench of sweat and bodies on top of eachother.

The disapperance of those people stopped nothing. New came the following year. As if they could not remember. They disappeared too. More people after that. I began leaving what I could spare. It changed nothing.

Five years ago I burned the cabins down, with everyone still inside, naked and screaming. Mummy whispered in my ear that it was the right thing to do. She had gone to heaven the year before but came back to me as an angel. They are not good. Fire is what they deserve.

The fire stopped some but not everyone. They came with tents instead. But it made everything easier. All my tools eat through the fabric easier than they eat through dirty, naked, unclean skin. And how it burns. It needs a little help to get started but to hear the flames melt the fabric and make a cocoon smelling of burnt flesh is better. The more they suffer, the better it is.

This weekend another group arrived. Filthy women. Dirty men. Mummy saw that right away, They were no good. They had tents. They had bottles. I could hear the bottles in their bags long before I could see them. The men always the same. Trying to impress the women. The women always the same. Pretending to be impressed by the men.

It didn't take long until they were doing what they always do. And as always, they had no idea we were watching, me and mummy. They never watch the leaves change color. They are only interested in eachother. Why do they have to come here to be that? Why do they have to come to my place?

This time I used the hammer and the axe I keep in my toolshed. I don't even have to open the tent. I used to want to see their faces. Not any more. A few years ago they all started to look the same. I had seen it before. Several times. So many ways to kill them, so few faces to make as you die.

Once the handles on my tools were too wet and hard to grip, I found use for their bottles. Thinking back on it, it makes me laugh that they actually packed their own death just hours earlier and were not even aware of it. Stupid. Ugly. Dirty. Filthy.

I left a message. I always do that these days. But I don't expect them to listen. They read it. But they never ever listen. We just want to be left alone. We live here. This is our home. I have lived here with my mummy ever since I had my accident. And they are no good. They are no good. They are no good. They are no good. They are no good, mummy. Just like you have always said.

Final exit

I want to write a story to this song, but I have a feeling it would result in my friends having an intervention in my honor, thinking that they are trying to stop me from ending it all. But I can't get the song out of my head. Maybe it doesn't have to be a song about the end of a life now without value. Perhaps it could be a celebration to a life lived well and compared to the life you have lived, the final days of it seems to be without value. Death just seems to be running a bit late for your appointment. That sort of thing could happen to the best of us. You have probably been late so many times in your life you're unable to count them. So who could blame Death for showing up late? An unscheduled bus crash or a suicide bomb might lead to a re-scheduling in the reaping business.

But as you lie in wait for your final, well-deserved, breath you look back at the endless stream of memories that have been stored in your brain throughout your life. Some of them have been hidden away from you for years, but as it is all drawing to a close and you seem to have time on your side -- at least for a while longer -- even those old once forgotten images, sounds and perhaps even smell and feeling come back to you.

Some of your memories will be happy and some will be sad. You are most likely not the first one around you to die. The ones you've loved and now are lost might be seen again. They might not, but you will still in a sense at least come closer to them in that you will share the same state they're in. If you are truly satisfied with your life, you will most likely have sad memories. Otherwise it would be hard to come to the conclusion that life has in all been good to you. Because let's face it; no one's life will ever be 100 percent happiness. But is the sad memories are over-shadowed by the good ones, you will hopefully feel happiness when you look back.

And not only happiness, but also completion. You look back and you are satisfied with what you have accomplished. Of course there might have been a few more things you could have accomplished but compared to the important things they are not significant enough to make you feel unhappy.

And when that door finally open and it's not the nurse or a doctor or a family member, but your escort, perhaps you even make a little joke about the late arrival. By your hand you're led away into light or darkness, into eternity or nothingness. And you are fine no matter what.

Final thoughts

Dedicated to James Joyce and Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo, who probably will never know it exists. The dead one will most definitely not have a clue.

Fuck I can't believe I would end up like this and all my life I have done nothing wrong or have I done wrong maybe I should think back but what's the point I'll run out of oxygen any minute now what was it he said most people only last ten minutes even though there's enough to last half an hour I guess being locked inside this thing freaks everyone out but at the same time perhaps the last breaths of air last the longest because they've made peace with themselves dying in the coffin and the strange thing is that I thought I would panic but I haven't so far does that mean I deserve to be in here but I can't for the life of me figure out what would have caused it perhaps something in my youth I did a lot of bad stuff then but that was just kid stuff nothing that would warrant this OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO DIE DOWN HERE I DON'T WANT TO DIE PLEASE LET ME OUT I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG AND IF I HAVE I APOLOGISE ... ... ... why me why me why me why me stop must focus must save air someone might come along and hear me banging if I just scream every ten seconds chances are the air will last long enough and all who pass will hear me (HELP!!) two three four five six (HELP!!) it isn't working why would someone come along in the middle of the night out here out nowhere oh my god I'm gonna die I'm actually gonna die down here and I have so much left to give don't I I have too much left to do for someone my age all the things I could have done and should have done but I didn't I was too busy doing what everyone else told me was right focusing on my career making money according to them I had it all but why does it feel as if I have nothing now perhaps I should thank them since I have nothing to lose really I have no one to lose but having no one to lose means no one will miss me and if no one will miss me then what does it matter where I am I might as well be here who cares at work they probably have some new guy replacing me already they did that with that other guy who just got up and left a new guy in his chair one day later they seem to be standing in line just waiting for that big break for a chance at nothingness and in reality it was that guy who left who went on to have a life sure he made less money but his wife stayed with him and his kid appearently calls him dad again or so they said and it might have been true all the others at the office who are his age are either divorced or not very far from it but this is all they know hell even getting married and having kids were probably career moves showing the world how successful they could be at all levels with a house wife fucking the pool boy and a kid who probably has every latest thing but is an empty shell there is a lot of air in here or maybe time is just passing slowly that's probably it I wish it was all over I wish I could do it myself but I can't even move enough to do whatever the hell I would do if I could would I choke myself I don't think it is that easy press the lid upwards with my feet with the lid nailed shut and lots and lots of dirt above would most likely fail as well and why do I even think of these things since I CAN'T FUCKING MOVE AND WILL DIE DOWN HERE I WILL DIE DOWN HERE THIS IS IT (HELP!! HELP!! HELP!!) WHY WON'T SOMEBODY BE THERE FOR ME WHY AREN'T THEY LOOKING FOR ME oh shit headache and I feel dizzy... ... the air... the air is almost gone I suppose... man... I... at least I won't be like one of those sad fucks who never sees it coming and their final words on this planet is shit or fuck... but... I can go out in style... oh man listen to me go out in style when there's not a soul here to see it... I could come up with... the meaning of life and... and it would be... completely useless... wonder when they will find me... and will there be a light... a tunnel... a boat ride... do I have enough change to pay the ferryman... does he... take credit card... a final joke for no one to listen to... I really... am losing... it and... and... and... ... ... ... fuck.


I am so happy my boyfriend could come along. Most of the photographers are nice, and all of the ones I've met have been truly sweet, but you can never be too careful. After all, haven't we all been warned by virtually everyone to always be aware when we meet people in real life for the first time?

I am so happy my boyfirend could come along. Even though he spends most of the time just looking and waiting. After the introducing handshake, he spends the entire shoot in the background, only being active when asked. He sees me pose for another man who takes pictures of me and who knows what is actually going on in this man's head as he clicks away on his camera, changes lenses and instructs me to stand in this way and in that way. But my boyfriend trusts me and would do anything for me.

I am so happy my boyfirend could come along. I really need him here with me. He is security even though it is not necessarily needed and he is support and he gives feedback. He is the extra strength I need both mentally and physically. Without him, moving the dead photographer's body would be impossible.

I am so happy my boyfriend could come along.


När jag vaknar på morgonen står en egendomlig figur och tittar ner på mig. När jag frågar om den stått där hela natten svarar den att den inte vet. Tydligen blev den inte medveten om sin existens förrän jag slog upp ögonen. Jag undrar om jag hade sett den skapas framför mina ögon om jag varit lite snabbare. Eller om någon ställt den där och på något sätt kopplat den till mina ögonlock eller rent utav de vågor av hjärnverksamhet som signalerar att jag vaknar.

Hursomhelst så står den där och bara tittar. Den stannar vid sängen när jag stiger upp och när jag lämnar rummet stannar den kvar i det. Och jag som trodde att den tittade på mig, men på något vis så verkar platsen mitt huvud har legat på vara det som intresserar mest. Kanske är jag betydelselös i hela sammanhanget och mitt huvud råkade bara befinna sig på den plats som figuren vill titta på hela tiden. Men det finns ju förstås möjligheten att den tittar på andra saker när jag inte ser på. Samtidigt finns möjligheten att det inte alls var jag som väckte den till liv utan att det bara var en slump att jag slog upp ögonen och den verkade få ett medvetande om än något begränsat.

Innan jag går till jobbet tittar jag till den en sista gång, frågar om allt är som det ska. Jag vet inte, säger figuren. Är det en bra ide för mig att lämna figuren obevakad i min lägenhet? Jag vet inte, tänker jag.

Efter en del omsorgsfullt övervägande, som inte på något sätt involverar den besynnerliga figurens existens, beslutar jag mig för att försöka få med den ut ur min bostad. När jag närmar mig den äter den upp mig.

Tydligen så rör vi på oss, men åt vilket håll vet jag inte. Mitt lokalsinne fungerar inte så bra i vanliga fall, än mindre inuti figurens mage som såg så mycket mindre ut på utsidan, men jag har till och med rum att sträcka ut benen i mörkret. Vad figuren lever av kan jag inte föreställa mig. Den första slutsatsen skulle kanske vara att den är köttätare eller till och med människoätare, men jag känner mig inte så värst uppäten. Inget i magen verkar kunna smälta ner mig. Det är inte ens vått. Snarare lite mysigt och hemtrevligt. Om jag inte vore lite nervös över hela situationen skulle jag nog kunna tänka mig att ta en liten tupplur.

Ibland stannar figuren och pratar med andra, som också verkar lika osäkra på vilka de är. Vissa står tillräckligt nära för att jag ska kunna känna dem genom magen. Då och då känner jag konturen av andra människor som också verkar finna sig någorlunda i sin situation. Hur länge de varit där vet jag inte. Jag försöker ropa, men får inget svar. Figuren ber mig vänligt men bestämt att sluta med motiveringen att mitt skrikande inte direkt gör underverk för dess migrän. Utav respekt, och kanske lite rädsla, upphör jag med skrikandet.

Istället försöker jag föra en konversation med figuren, men den verkar inte så sugen på det eller så är den inte direkt van vid att kommunicera med sitt maginnehåll. Först svarar den som vanligt att den inget vet och sen verkar det som att den övergår till att enbart rycka på axlarna. Jag kan inte vara helt säker, men kroppen hoppar liksom till litegrann, så jag antar att det är en axelryckning jag känner.

Det här pågår vad som verkar vara ett par timmar, för jag hinner bli hungrig igen efter frukosten, men behöver tack och lov inte gå på toaletten. Min mage knorrar och figuren verkar känna av det också för den stannar till precis i samma ögon blick som min mage börjar låta. Det är stilla och tyst ett tag. Som att den lyssnar eller känner efter. Femte gången min mage knorrar öppnas en dörr. Jag går igenom den och kommer till en ny plats.


The beauty of the scalpel. The clean cut through tissue as if it were butter. Butter in layers and as each layer is penetrated and sliced the blade would need a little more pressure, but only at first. Once it is pressed through the layer it is back to the butter. When the scalpel is removed almost no trace can be found at first. Unless you know what to look for, noticing the thin line running down the skin is virtually impossible. For a little while that is, until the warm red blood pushes through and widen the line to a gap. Outside in the cold the opening of the gap is followed by steam as if the soul is escaping the body along with the blood. And if the cut was made just right that is exactly what happens.

Unfortunately, what the scalpel offers in beauty it takes away from the wonderful experience of sheer brutality. Of using bare hands to pry open an already existing hole in a body and sometimes, just sometimes, the animal, the predator, the monster takes over to such an extent that hands alone will be enough. Nails and bony fingers eagerly eating their way through flesh, the muscles in the arms and chest contracting, almost convulsing. When patience no longer exists and bones stab through the last bit and are rewarded with the warmth of what's inside. Sharp nails scraping against muscles and organs, tissue sticking underneath them. Enough DNA to lead to a conviction, but that matters little when warm blood pumps through veins underneath the skin and with each heartbeat pulsates out the newly-torn holes and onto the fingertips. In the cold night or a cold room, the soul is visible as it escapes the gaping wound and the crimson-coloured hand.

Beauty and brutality. Beauty in brutality. And you are all beautiful to me.


The tentacles! What have I unleashed unto the world?!


I can barely remember how it all ended. I wasn't there, but I was told. The person who told me wasn't there either, but he was told by someone who was. And it used to be so important to remember. To remember where it all went wrong so that we would not make the same mistakes again. But that doesn't matter anymore. We will never even get the chance to come near the moment where our world ended.

The world itself did not end. It is still here and I am still here. But the world we had created for ourselves is gone. And the few who didn't disappear along with it were left with this. Only a little more to use, since we are unable to recreate what we need to take to survive. And now, it appears we down to the last minor fragments of what keeps us alive. Will my generation be the last?

Nature died and we died with it and all the artificial so called necessities in the world could not save us. Once there was nothing more to take, there was nothing more to produce and there was nothing more to consume. Societies collapsed and we died. The last bit of energy left in us was used to fight over the things we needed for our survival. The result of that? We destroyed what was left as well. People make foolish decisions when they are hungry and desperate. And when some of the fools can access nuclear weapons, that is the end.

The ones who did survive emerged from their shelters into this. With the exception of some more food to be found and I guess there was still flesh on the bodies. I remember the stories of cannibalism as starvation truly set in amongst the survivors. Scary stories told to us as we were children, to make sure we never went far from the group. We were told there were groups of survivors who lay in wait among the scrap heaps hoping for a group of passers-by. Or they would hunt. At night they would search for light and smell from fires of plastic material. The thick stench from burning tires stuck in your throat and even though your nose adapted to the smell, the rest of your body never did. Eyes burning, throat soar and lungs coughing up black stuff. The older ones remember fires made from wood and how wonderful it had smelled in comparison, even though that smoke too could hurt your eyes.

As time passed by, we became fewer and fewer. Food became even scarcer and newborn children rarely stayed alive for longer than a week. Their mothers often died with them, at their birth or from sorrow. They just stopped living on the inside and their bodies seemed to accept this and one morning they just wouldn't wake up.

Fights would break out regularly over what to do with the dead bodies. Even in our group, voices advocating cannibalism began to emerge. A sign of how near the end we were. Some tried to resist, but eventually as the hunger spread even more, they too gave up. I guess in the end, we all just want to survive. Our world has ended and it seems we will not get a second chance. Yet we still keep on fighting to stay alive.

She was 25 years old. She had seen what the deaths of newborn children had done to their mothers, and often also fathers, and because of that she had never tried to have any children herself. Even though I remember seeing the sorrow and jealousy in her eyes, when watching the pregnant women.

But childlessness is no guarantee for a long life. One morning she simply didn't wake up. Staying alive in a dead world is hard. And we decided, unanimously -- only five of us were left -- to go through with it. There had been no food for days and we could barely walk. We made up other excuses like that to ourselves and told them out loud as we undressed the body.

I remember her as quite beautiful, but that was all gone now. She lay naked before us, but there was nothing beautiful or sexual about her at all. Whatever it was that made her who she was, was gone and all that was left was a body; organs, bones and flesh. Flesh for us to eat. Flesh that was her gift to us we told ourselves. She would have wanted it that way we said over and over again as we gathered up the mental strength to go through with it. We had to hurry, because soon we would run out of physical strength and then we would be just as dead as she was. Eventually one of us pulled out a knife.

Remembering the end of the world is hard, and feels pointless, but remembering the first taste of human flesh is easy. So many more senses are involved. Your fingers feel the flesh, your eyes follow your hand to your mouth. The tongue and nose tells you the taste and your ears hear teeth sinking into meat. And it is wonderful. It is fresh.

But that was a couple of weeks ago. I am alone now. That's the problem with cannibalism. We were all just postponing the inevitable. Nothing wrong with that. Most people do that, try to wait as long as possible before dying. But most people might not do it by eating the people they grew up with. After the first girl, we went for a some days before the hunger set in again. Another one of us died and the rest of us could go on living for a few more days, this time longer than the first time since there were fewer people to share with.

Last week there was only me and my best friend left. Hardly able to move, we lay on the cold ground talking about our memories. We tried to focus on the good ones, but soon ran out. Before he fell asleep he told me he loved me as a brother. I love you too, I said. Watching the stars and listening to my friend fall asleep, I knew. One of us would not wake up. Maybe neither of us would. The light sound of my friend snoring turned into a slow gargle. The blade of my knife was not as sharp as I had hoped. I had to press down on it and it tore its way down towards his neck. What I tried to make quick became a mess. But finally I could feel the warm spurts become slower. He opened his eyes and I could see disapointment.

His eyes is the reason I am dying now and not next week. I no longer feel human. I only feel shame and instead of dying along with the people I loved I die alone. My friend's eyes are still open and I do not have the strength to close them. Of the love he felt, nothing is left.

All I see is disapointment.

Writer's block

I do not know what to write and yet I feel an urge to do so.

For some reason, complaining about how I am unable to create something on this blog is enough to get me started. Every single time. So far, it has not failed me. And what do you know, it appears as if tonight is no exception either.

My life is a very occupied one at the moment. You should see my to-do-list. It is getting shorter, but very slowly. In all honesty, it should probably be getting bigger instead but I have a feeling the amount of stuff that need to be taken care of keep my brain from remembering the rest of the things that should go on my list. 

The world I inhabit is currently a home for rabbits, moving vans, zombies, clouds building babies and porcupines and the occasional notion that I should once and for all take care of the fucking dishes. My fear is that they end up cross-breeding and although it would be fascinating, I really do not have time for huge flesh-eating bunnies dragging furniture across the blue sky.

So what is one to do? My normal response has so far consisted of doing as the ostrich doesn't do and stick my head in the sand. And especially avoid the fucking dishes. But I have a feeling that will not work for much longer. That the zombies will ride in on their bunnies and eat my brains as a sort of protest the way only a zombie can protest and most likely only makes sense to a zombie. Personally, I have no idea what the living dead would want to accomplish with such an act. Or how they've managed to break in the bunnies. But there you have it, in a world where the dead come back to life to feast on the flesh of the living, is it really too far a stretch to see them capturing and training rabbits as well?

Perhaps it is. Our willingness to imagine things only goes so far, just like in the science fiction or fantasy movies. You can see all kinds of strange shit happening, but eventually you might just end up going "Hey, wait a minute... that's just plain silly is what that is." You've reached the end of your imagination. It all stops here. Go back one step and carry on with your normal weird stuff. No weird weird stuff for me, thank you very much.

So with these words, I guess it is time to leave you all hanging once again. When I'll post something new, I do not know. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year. But one thing's for sure though, if I ever want to write all I have to do is whine about how I'm not able to.


The fire consumes us. In eachother's arms we drink down the flames and feel our living insides blackening, coughing up soot to accompany the taste of burning flesh in our mouths.

Our nostrils smell hair as it catches on fire and before burning our skin black, the scent of meat cooking reminds us of our last meal together. I want to laugh, but it is impossible. If your convulsions are the result of laughter or not, I have no way to find out.

The sensitive fingertips feel more pain than the rest of the body and as our fists clench, we feel the skin of fingers melting and sticking to the skin in our palms. Pulling them apart, skin from the palm of our hands come loose and stick to the tips of our fingers.

It is completely dark, even though it should be bright as the brightest day. Just a couple of seconds ago it was that bright and before that I could see your eyes, the fear, but also the calmness in them and the satisfaction from being together. But now, inside what used to be the windows to our souls, we hear only boiling fluids.

If someone had told me that our hearing would be the sense that would be with us until the end, I would not have believed them. Now as I my mouth no longer tastes the ashes, my nostrils no longer smell hair or cooking meat, my fingertips have probably dug through the palms of my hands but I feel nothing and my eyes are bursting and I hear the sizzling sound as the fluid is boiled running down my cheeks.

I also hear wood cracking in the fire, people shouting, and the heavy breathing of the one I love so close to me. Her breathing becomes heavier, but slower, as each breath, once only giving life, now also takes it. A competition between two of the strongest forces in nature; life and death.

The last thing I hear are her final breaths and with the reassurance that she is at peace, I see no reason to fight it any longer. It is a losing battle either way. I let myself go.

Holding eachother's hands, we walk towards the unknown, to that which is new, to that which might not even exist. Maybe it is only one last dream. But I am still grateful for it nonetheless.

Today I woke to the Rain of Blood

Whenever I listen to certain songs, images linger on and I can't get them out of my head.

During a war somewhere in time soldiers, human beings, are being parachuted into enemy territory by the thousands at night. The large aircrafts appear to be spewing out locusts in an amount that becomes biblical and the moon is no longer visible, the night is darker than it ever has been before.

On the ground other sodiers, but still human beings, fire blindly in to the darkness, but with a large enough gun it is never really a question of whether they hit something or not, only how many are wounded, mutilated or killed. If it weren't for the sound of the guns the screams from the sky would reach all the way down to the ground. Maybe the screams would stop the firing. Most likely they would only make things worse. They would fuel the blood lust that has already been let loose on the ground.

For me sleep is impossible. My exhaustion overcame my fear and I fell asleep or maybe passed out is a better way of describing it, but once the guns began their symphony of destruction my eyes are wide open and the terror that creeps through my veins is more chilling and terrifying than ever.

Whenever the guns pause I hear the rain beat against the roof window. Heavy drops are knocking on the glass with such ferocity that it sounds as if they will make their way into my room. What is it with war and rain? In the movies they always seem to go hand in hand. But the sky seemed so clear just before I fell asleep.

As a shell explodes a little to close to the ground, the light that projects a red glow through my window into my room tells me that it's not raining. At least not rainwater.

It's been going on for months now. This madness. The destruction I've seen, the dead bodies of friends and of people unknown to me. Things that will forever haunt me. My mind is being raped over and over again. And today I woke to the rain of blood.

We won't stop until we are all dead.

Combichrist - Today I woke to the Rain of Blood


Being the only person left on Earth is no easy task. How the hell am I supposed to help my species evolve if my chances of reproducing are non-existant? Well, at least I think I am the only one left. Last time I saw a living human being was five months ago. Plenty of dead ones, though. And undead ones. Goddamn zombies.

Maybe I should just kill myself right away since there seems to be no point in living. Yet there is of course the odd chance that I am not alone. I might be saved. Hey, I might even get to reproduce. That would be great. God knows it's been awhile since the last time.

Or maybe I should just let myself become one of them. They seem to be getting on just fine. They need to feed on human flesh, but even though there hasn't been anyone to feed on for months, they are still alive. Or undead. I guess the feeding on human flesh is not really a necessity for survival for them. They just like it. A lot.

Come to think of it, if there is no one but me left on this planet, I am not the hope of mankind. They are. Through that weird virus, they are the next step in evolution. I'm not and should thus be eradicated. Eradicated. In this new society, that is just another word for being eaten alive.

And why souldn't they be an evolutionary step forward? They're as mindless as most of us were anyway. But they seem to be less self-centered, they have no conflict within their species and they all have a common agenda and agree upon the same thing; eating human flesh is a great way to spend the day. And if there is no human flesh to eat, they just wander around.

Just like all of other societies were eradicated when more advanced human-like creatures emerged, so have we been wiped out for this new world order.

So, as a believer in evolution, who am I to stand in its way?


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